Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mary's Graduation Day

Mary graduated from Harpeth Hall on Memorial day and we all got together for lunch to celebrate. It was a long busy day but we all had a lot of fun hanging out together.
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Carosel at the Zoo

This was our third attempt at Mackenzie riding the Carousel when we go to the zoo. The first two times she liked it if she was being held, but this time she rode on a red panda and was even OK when we let go of her. She is getting big so fast. Well maybe growing up so fast she is still a little peanut.
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Tea party anyone?

Madalyn has been having tea parties at Granna's house for awhile although it was not until just a little while ago that she could invite her little sister to join her at the tea party. I just thought they looked so cute that I had to grab the camera.
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Stair climber

Mackenzie has started climbing the stairs. We were very surprised she had not even shown any interest in them until one day I was coming downstairs after checking on Madalyn in her room and there was Mackenzie on the landing about to start up the second half of the stairs. We took this picture the next day at the park. Ever since I found her half way up the stairs she wants to climb any stairs she comes across.
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Madalyn the Gardner

Here is Madalyn planting some flowers at her Grandaddy and Jojo's house. Jojo has lots of flowers in a garden off the back patio and Jojo got some flowers special for Madalyn and her Aunt Sarah to plant one night while we were over there for dinner. Madalyn always has a lot of fun planting with Jojo and Aunt Sarah. Each time we go since she planted her flowers she has to go and check on them and make sure they are getting enough water and sunshine.
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Spring Program

The theme for Madalyn's spring program at school was A day at the Beach. She however did not do very much singing in her program this year. She spent most of the time trying to climb up a pole she was standing next to. They do also have an art show as part of the program and Madalyn had some very beautiful pictures. She had two different butterflies she had made and also a huge painting that she told us was a rainbow. She love to do art projects (she also likes to sing, but apparently only when she is in the mood).
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Mommy's Makeup

Madalyn is up to mischief again. She came walking into my room the other day with her hands over her face when I asked her to move her hands this is what I saw. She us quite the make up artist as you can see in this picture.
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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Meet Golfy

This is the newest member of our family- Golfy the Beta fish. We got Madalyn a pet fish for her birthday. She was so excited to have her very own pet- he is in a purple aquarium with hot pink gravel in her room right by her bed. She has been doing a very good job remembering to feed and take care of him. She even drew him a picture that she keeps propped up against the side of his tank for him to look at.
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Swinging in the park

It has taken several trips to the park for Mackenzie to enjoy the swing the first couple of times she just cried at even the slightest push, but now she loves it. She just laughs and smiles and says "yea" and sometimes "whoa" it is pretty cute. We just found a great new little park less then 5 minutes from our house that is never very busy so we have had lots of fun going there and swinging now that Mackenzie enjoys it.
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Nashville Zoo

We took the girls to the zoo the other morning and had a a lot of fun. We had been members before and really enjoyed just going and walking around and seeing the animals. We rejoined and have already been a couple of times. There were some new animals this time that we had not seen yet- the Red River Hogs and the Alligators. The girls especially liked the Lorikeet landing which is where you go into the cage with the birds and they sometimes land on you. We had some nectar and fed them so several came and got on Garrison. The monkeys were also very wound up and making a lot of noise the girls were both fascinated by it.
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Baby Steps...

No Mackenzie is not walking yet, but she is getting closer she will walk some holding onto someones hands. Although sometime she still just would rather plop down on her bottom and crawl. She has graduated from her army crawl to a full hands and knees crawl. Sometimes she still goes back to her tried and true method. She also does enjoy cruising all over our living room she can almost cruise the entire perimeter of the room if Madalyn has placed the ottoman in the right spot for her. I think the two of them are going to get each other into trouble pretty soon.
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Madalyn is 4!

Madalyn has turned 4- she was a beautiful princess at her princess birthday party. We invited lots of friends and family to the park to celebrate this royal occasion with us. We had so much fun all the children made crowns to wear. Then the children all played games like find the poison apple before Snow White and pin the kiss on the frog prince. Since Madalyn also loves pink we had pink princess punch, cupcakes with fluffy pink icing and pink M&M's for refreshments. It truly was a party fit for a princess.
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