Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We had a big snow/ice storm (for Nashville) this past winter. If I remember correctly Madalyn missed 4 days of school because of it- she was not complaining! One of the days we were home bound we walked up the street to our good friends the Douglas' house and did some sledding with the girls 2 best friends Gavin and Brady.
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Girls vacation 2010- a bit early

Several years ago we started a tradition of going to Birmingham and spending time with Aunt Susan- this became known as the girls vacation. Most years it happens to work out that we go on MLK weekend, but this year we ended up going right after Christmas while Madalyn was still out of school. We always do fun things like scrapbook, craft, watch movies in Aunt Susan's big bed and eat yummy calzone just to name a few. One of the things I like best is having a mini photo shoot with my girls. It seems like a lot of the time at home I am the one holding the camera and taking the pictures.
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Christmas gifts for sisters

I will preface this blog post with the fact that I obviously have been ignoring my blog and it has been a long time since I have posted anything about my two beautiful girls. They are getting so big and I am sad that time is going by so fast so I am going to try to make a conscious effort to post more often if not for others but even just for me so I can remember all the stories that go with the photos years from now.

This picture was taken Christmas morning and has a bit of a funny story to go along with it. We decided just a few days before Christmas to give each of the girls $20 to spend on a gift for each other. Garrison and Madalyn walked all over the toy section at target and Madalyn chose this fairy barbie to get for Mackenzie mean while Kenzie and I were also checking out all the toys in target and Kenzie decided the exact same fairy was the perfect gift for Madalyn. They both could not believe it when they opened the gifts and they had chosen the same thing for each other.
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