Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt @ Church

We went to an Easter egg hunt at our church which due to the rain we had to hang out inside, but we still had a lot of fun. Both the girls had a lot of fun and found lots of eggs. Mackenzie found about 50 I think (although she did not have too much competition) and she got very excited when she realized that there was chocolate inside the eggs. Madalyn also found a lot and enjoyed hanging out with the silly Easter bunny.
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Easter Egg Dying

We spent the Saturday morning before easter dying our easter eggs which we then added sparkles to which the girls really enjoyed. We made and egg for each color of the rainbow and then several pink ones. Princesses do love pink!
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Flower picking and Dandelion blowing

On this trip to the park Madalyn taught Kenzie to pick flowers and tried to show her that you can blow the Dandelion puffs- Kenzie just did not realize that not all flowers had puffs on them to blow off, but she tried to blow anyway. The girls and I had a lot of fun at the park this evening.
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More Snow

We had more snow- in fact this was a pretty big snow for Nashville. The last time I remember this much snow was before Madalyn was born. This was the biggest snow that the girls had ever seen and they had a blast going out an playing in it. Sadly it was not a very wet snow so it did not make a very good snowman, but Garrison and Maddie made a small one, it was quite a bit bigger than her teeny tiny one she had made during the last snow. This one had a baby carrot nose and some craisin eyes. We also tried to do some sledding- Garrison did much better than I did, but we could not get the girls to try. I think if we had an actual sled it might have worked a little better, but how often do we have enough snow in Nashville to use a sled?
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park trip

Just a few days after the snow we had some nice warm weather and we all headed over to the park near our house. The girls really like to go and play at the park. One of Mackenzie's favorite things to do at the park is to swing.
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Snow Day

We got some snow in Nashville and the girls thought it was great. There was not very much on the ground but a lot kept falling which they just enjoyed going out and trying to catch snowflakes and running around in the little bit that there was. Madalyn did make a teeny tiny snowman- he was pretty cute.
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Happy Birthday Mackenzie!

Mackenzie is Two! She had a fun valentine's birthday party with some friends and family. She loved all her cookies and cupcakes- she has quite a sweet tooth. Her favorite sweet though I think is chocolate. She got lots of Disney princess things which she thought was great- she likes to think she is as big as her sister.
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Girls Vacation- Birmingham 2008

We went to visit Aunt Susan and cousins Whitney and Audrey while Daddy headed down to the beach with Grandaddy. We got to see some snow which the girls enjoyed going outside and running around in. We did lots or coloring and crafting while we were there Aunt Susan has the "project room" which is perfect for that sort of thing.
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Christmas Morning

We took this after the girls had finished opening thier presents from santa. They seemed to get everything they had wanted. The favorite gift was the talking princess chair that madalyn got. She has been a great big sister and has been sharing it with her sister. Mackenzie really got into the opening of the gifts she was so cute.
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Merry Christmas

This is a little out of order and a little late- I need to keep up with my blogging a little better. Sorry I thought I had already posted pictures from Christmas when I put put up the valentine picture. Anyway Merry Christmas to all- a little late. This was our Christmas card picture this year. We played the camera countdown game to get it and I think the girls did really well.
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Happy Valentine's Day

We spent a great night at home as a family celebrating Valentine's Day and Mackenzie's Birthday. We had a lot of fun- we had one of Mackenzie's favorite foods for dinner -PIZZA and then the girls each got some Disney Princess Chocolate hearts which is way better than just any chocolate when you are 2 and 4. I love to watch Garrison with the girls they all have so much fun together.
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