Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Sadly we did not make it to Scottsboro for the 4th this year. We still had plenty to do. First we went for a 3 mile walk with Granna and Grandpart in their old neighborhood. Then we headed back to Granna's house for lunch. There was alot of family there. Mandy, Marcus, MJ, Audrey, Denver, Sheppard, Lisbeth, Ferris, Will, Mary. Granna, Grandpart and us. The cousins all really enjoyed playing Barbies together. Ferris and MJ had not arrived yet when we took this picture. After lunch at Granna's we headed for another cookout at grandaddy and Jojo's house. After dinner with them once it was dark we went in the backyard and lit some sparklers which was a lot of fun. We had a great 4th of July this year.
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